6 min read
05 Oct

(Stay tuned for further detailed explanation)


 Helps to strengthen muscles of respiration that reduces the impact of Arthritis. 

Also helps in clearing secretions and increasing the capacity of the Lung which brings much-needed oxygen into your bloodstream. 

a. PURSED LIP BREATHING                                                                                                      

  1. Seat with relaxed shoulder and neck muscles. 
  2. Inhale slowly through nose for two counts. 
  3. Before exhaling, purse lips as if you are going to blow a candle. 
  4. Exhale slowly and gently through the lips for 4 or more counts. 
  5. Repeat several times.

 b. DIAGPHRAMATIC BREATHING                                                                             

  1. Sitting or lying down position  
  2. Relax face, jaw, neck and shoulder muscles. Straighten your back.  
  3. Place one hand on chest and one on lower abdomen.
  4.  Breath deeply through nose with closed eyes, 
  5.  feel your chest and ribs expand when you inhale. 
  6. Repeat 9-10 times


( to be done if asked by your doctor) 

  1.  Do this exercise only in sitting.                                                                                 
  2. Keep the mouthpiece inside your mouth and try to take air inside like how you suck.  
  3. While taking air inside, the balls start raising up. 
  4. Try to hold the ball on the top for 2 to 3 seconds and slowly exhale and the balls come down.  
  5.  Repeat 10 times twice or thrice a day.


Not only does it help in reconditioning, but any sort of aerobic exercise also improves range of motion of joints, alleviates muscular pain and also makes your lungs stronger and healthier. 

It also spurs endorphins that makes you feel good psychologically. 

This includes stepping, stationary marching, sit to stand, ankle pumps and obstacle walking.


Since, because of pain as well as the disease itself, the Joints get stiff or frozen.

At least once a day try to fully rotate all the joints in their natural range. 

E.g.: your Shoulders, make a circular motion, with your wrist make a flexion and extension.


 i. Lie on your back and pull one knee toward your chest while keeping the other leg straight along the floor. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat three times with each leg 

ii. Lie on your back, and pull both knees to your chest. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat three times. 

iii. Starting on your hands and knees, round your back up like a cat. Hold for five seconds. Then, make your back hollow by dropping your tummy. Hold for five seconds. Repeat both parts five times. 

iv. Sit back on your heels, and move your hands forward along the floor, until you feel a medium stretch in your upper body and shoulders. Take a deep breath and walk your fingers forward a little to increase the stretch. Hold for 10 seconds. Then, rock your upper body from side to side, as you stretch one arm slightly further than the other, alternating arms. Repeat 10 times with each arm. 

v. Start in four-point (on your hands and knees). Lift one arm up behind you and look up towards your out-stretched hand. Hold for five seconds. Repeat five times with each arm. 

vi. Stand tall and bend sideways by sliding your hand down the side of your leg. Do not lift a foot off the floor and do not bend forward. Hold for five seconds. Repeat five times on each side. 

vii. Hold your hand and forearm at shoulder level on the corner of a wall or in a doorframe. Put the leg of the same side a little bit forward. Rotate your body away from your arm until you feel a stretch in your chest muscles. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat three times with each arm. 

viii. Start in a kneeling position. Place one foot forward on the floor, so you are making a 90-degree angle with your foot. Prop up your arms on your knee to stabilize your trunk. Keep your lower back leg straight along the ground behind you. Make sure both feet are pointed straight. Push your hips forward until you feel a stretch in your hip flexors, which are the front part of your hip. Tighten your stomach muscles to make sure your back does not arch. Hold each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat three times with each leg. 

ix. Lie on your stomach with your left arm and left leg extended straight along the floor. Bend your right leg by holding your ankle or foot with your right hand and pulling it gently toward your buttocks until you feel a stretch in your thigh. Keep your hips on the floor. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat three times with each leg. 

x. Lie on the floor with one leg outstretched through a doorway and the other leg extended straight up the wall. Try to bring your bottom as close to the wall as you can. To increase the stretch, loop a towel around the foot that is extended up the wall and pull gently. Try to lift your heel away from the wall. Hold stretch for 60 to 90 seconds. Complete stretch one time with each leg. 

xi. Stand on a step with one heel over the edge. Hold on to a railing, wall or some other form of support. Let the weight of your body stretch your heel towards the floor. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat three to five times with each leg 

3. For Specific Joint Pain: 

             For knee pain: Click here ( English)  Click Here (Bengali)

Stay tuned for Upcoming detailed guidelines. 

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