1 min read
20 Aug

1. Slowly massage over the tender point as shown in the video for 10-15 secs, and repeat it three to four times in a day.

2. The tendon gliding exercises: Here as shown slowly glide your thumb and index finger of other hand through the affected finger.

Do it 10 times in one sitting and repeat it two to three times every day.

3. Here as shown in the video stretch your fingers and count 10. Relax. Repeat it again 10 times.

Do it two to three times (a set of 10 ) every day.

4. Unlike the above one just stretch the locked finger and count 10. Relax. Repeat it 10 times.

Do it two to three times (a set of 10 ) every day.

5.This Exercise is to be done Only if the Pain and Locking have decreased significantly.

Slowly close the hand and then open it rapidly. Repeat it 5/6 times.

Do it 2/3 times per day.

Read the blog on Trigger Finger to know more about the disease.

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