2 min read
26 Oct

Why during Winter Joint Pain increases?

This is one of the Hot topics in medical science. A lot of research has been done, yet there is no clear reason for it. The following things are given as a cause:

  1. Muscle and Joint Stiffness: During Winters due to cold temperatures the muscles are in spasms and there is reduced joint movements as a result the stiffness around joint increases causing increased pain in patients with Arthritis.
  2. Decreased Atmospheric pressure: A bit of Physics here! With decreased temperature, there is a decrease in atmospheric pressure as a result the soft tissue expands in the body and causing the nerves to be more sensitive and joints to get stiffer causing Pain. Blood circulation also is hampered.
  3. Lack of Vitamin D3: Due to less exposure to the Sun, your bones get decreased Vitamin D3 causing pain in the Joints. 
  4. Thick Synovial Fluids: Your joints have a lubricant, the synovial fluid and it gets thickened, causing Joints to get stiffer.
  5. Blood Supply: A theory states that the Lungs and Heart get more blood supply during winter as a result the supply to joints decreases, which increases joint Pain. 

So, Doctor How can I Avoid this Joint Pain?

You must follow these steps carefully:

  1. Do not forget to take the medications: This is a very important thing as forgetting medication will lead to joint pain and any increased pain in Winter is very difficult to treat.
  2. Exercise Regularly: The more you are active and exercise regularly the stiffness in the joint decreases and the blood circulation also increases in the joints and the pain decreases.
  3. Wear warm clothes: Yes, it helps! Wearing warm clothes will keep the temperature of the joint raised and improve blood circulation.
  4. Stay hydrated: Its normal to take less water during Winter and as a result, the muscles are dehydrated and hence get stiff. So, drink plenty of water.
  5. Adequate Sun exposure: Sun is a very good source of Vitamin D3, a vitamin that is very important in keeping your bones strong. Hence make it a habit to walk for 10 to 15 mins in the Sunlight.
  6. Heathy Foods: Another important thing is having Healthy foods to keep your nutrition adequate.
  7. Consult your doctor: If the Pain increases visit your doctor as he may consider increasing the dose of your current medications.

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