1 min read
17 Apr
বাংলায় পড়তে এখানে ক্লিক করুন: হাঁটু ব্যথার ব্যায়াম

Step 1. Place your foot over another stool/chair as shown

Step 2. Contract the Muscles over knee (Quadriceps) as shown and count 10. Then relax and         Repeat for 10 times.

Step 3. Do it twice to thrice per day with both legs.

Step 1. Place your foot over another stool/chair as shown

Step 2. Pull and stretch your ankle upwards and count 10, Repeat for 10 times.

Step 3. Do it twice to thrice per day with both legs.

Step 1: Cross your ankles as shown

Step 2. Try to pull them apart and count 10. Relax. and Repeat for 10 times

Step 3: Repeat Twice to Thrice Per Day.

Things to Avoid:

  1. Squatting.
  2. Cross-Legged Seating
  3. Climbing Stairs Frequently
  4. Walking in Uneven Surface.

Things to Do:

  1. Exercises 
  2. Walking 30 mins Daily.
  3. Weight Reduction.
  4. Eat healthy foods.
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