3 min read
19 Aug

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or "CTS"?

It is one of the most common conditions of the hand where a patient presents with a tingling sensation in the Thumb, Index, Middle, and Half of the Ring finger or weakness of the hand and wrist.

Typically the symptoms increase at night and the little finger is not affected.

What is this Carpal Tunnel?

Just like a tunnel in the mountains through which cars pass our wrist too has a tunnel for safe passage of the important nerves and blood vessels to our finger. Since your wrist is a very mobile structure the tunnel keeps the nerve and vessels safe.

Median Nerve is the main culprit that supplies the Thumb, Index, Middle, and Half of the Ring finger of your hand.

When Median Nerve is compressed in the tunnel, the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome appear.

What are the Causes?

  1. Diabetes
  2. Thyroid Disorders
  3. Arthritis (especially Rheumatoid Arthritis)
  4. Fluid Retention due to Pregnancy or even during Menopause
  5. Fractures in the Wrist
  6. Tumors in wrist
  7. Idiopathic ( Sadly cause is not known)

Who is more at Risk?

People who have to use their wrist repeatedly are at higher risk of suffering from it.

  1. IT professionals (Continuous use of Keyboards at work)
  2.  Housewives, 
  3. Musicians (Playing keyboards mainly)
  4. Carpenters (Using power tools that cause vibrations)

What are the Symptoms that you may feel?

  1. Tingling or numbness of the Thumb, Index, Long and Half of Ring finger
  2. Typically it increases at Night
  3. There may be Pain in the fingers as an Initial Sign (Increases at Night)
  4. Wrist Pain
  5. Weakness in Fingers and Hand.
  6. May occur in Single or Both Hand

How is it Diagnosed?

Generally the Symptoms of the disease is enough for your doctor to Diagnose it. Yet to be sure he may do the Following Tests:

  1. Examine:  There are certain tests like Phalen's test where the patient is asked to Reverse fold the hand for two minutes or a Tinnel Sign test is performed to get the Diagnosis.
  2. Nerve Test: There are certain machines to see the Speed at which the Nerve is sending Information(Impulse) called the Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) and your doctor may suggest this test for Confirming
  3. Ultrasonography: Even Ultrasonography is used too to see the condition of the Nerve Directly.

What are the treatment?

Firstly, your doctor will try to find out the thing that caused it and try to treat it, and ask you not to do the activity that aggravates the symptoms.

Medications like Pregabalin, Gabapentin commonly used to decrease the pain and symptoms.

Belts: Your doctor may advise you to use Splints like (https://amzn.to/3ZFqk6j) while you sleep at night.

Exercises: Exercises once again are quite helpful to strengthen the weak muscles as well as decrease the symptoms by decreasing the pressure in your Median nerve.

Injections: if the symptoms are not relieved, your doctor may perform a small injection in your wrist under ultrasonography guidance. This relieves the inflammation and pressure in your Median nerve.

Surgery: If above all treatments fail, a small surgery is performed which opens up the tunnel to decrease the pressure over your Nerve.

Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Dangerous if Not Treated?

Yes, it may damage your nerve permanently causing weakness or paralysis of your hand.

What are the ways to prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

If you suffer from any of the Risk factors mentioned above or work in an environment requiring repeated wrist movement you are always at a risk of having CTS some point of your life.

  1. Have good control over your Diabetes, Thyroid Problem.
  2. Exercise Regularly
  3. Take frequent Breaks from work
  4. Take care of your Hand Posture.
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